Veselimo se pozvati vas, na prije svega EDUKATIVNI te rekreacijsko-zabavni događaj – JAPANKA BIOKOVO CHALLENGE koji će se ove godine održavati od 7. – 8. lipnja.
Ove godine pripremili smo unutar programa FLIP FLOP-a i jednu novu ekskluzivu, WARM UP PARTY koji će se održati 7. lipnja u 16:00h u Podgori, ispred hotel Podgorka uz prvu ikad UTRKU NA MADRACIMA NA NAPUHIVANJE/dušecima/luftićima gdje ćemo razgovarati o važnosti sigurnosti na moru te vas pozvati i najaviti sam događaj 8. lipnja na Biokovu.
Na sam dan utrke 8. lipnja, ako niste tip za trčanje u japankama, pozivamo vas na koncert na Biokovu, američke grupe Forest Ray, a ulaz je besplatan. Da li ste ikad bili u prirodi, pri vrhu Biokova i uživali u akustičnom koncertu, 8. lipnja to možete.
Dječji parkić na lokaciji, dalmatinska marena, edukacija, zabavna utrka i odličan koncert su samo neki od razloga zašto se vidimo baš tu subotu na Biokovu.
Vidimo se 8. lipnja u 9:00h na lokaciji Prijevoj Staza, unutar Parka prirode Biokovo.
Utrka je kratka, utrka je zabavna i trči se na vlastitu odgovornost. Ipak su to japanke
Prijave na utrku traju do 2. lipnja i šalju se na e-mail: [email protected]
We are looking forward to inviting you to, first of all, an EDUCATIONAL and recreational and entertaining event – FLIP FLOP BIOKOVO CHALLENGE, which will be held this year from June 7-8.
This year, we have prepared a new exclusive within the FLIP FLOP program, the WARM UP PARTY which will be held on June 7 in Podgora, in front of the Old Podgorka hotel with the first ever INFLATABLE MATTRESS RACE, where we will be discussing the importance of safety at sea and invite and announce you all the event itself on June 8 at Moutain Biokovo.
On the day of the race itself, June 8, if you are not the type to run in flip-flops, we invite you to a concert at Biokovo by the American group Forest Ray, and the entrance is free. Have you ever been in nature, at the top of Biokovo and enjoyed an acoustic concert, on June 8 you can.
A children's park on site, Dalmatian meal, education, a fun race and a great concert are just some of the reasons why we hope to see each other on that particular Saturday at Biokovo.
See you on the 8th of June at 9:00h on location Staza, inside Nature Park Biokovo.
The race is short, the race is fun and running is at your own risk. After all we are talking about flip flops
Registration for the race is until 2th of June, on email: [email protected]